How did you get the job of tour manager?

By working hard at school, getting my exams and putting my nose to the grindstone......oh and sleeping with all the band.

What does your job involve?

Being a surrogate mother and keeping my head together when all around me are losing theirs.

What do you do when the band aren't on tour?

Work for their management company Jam X who also manage Mover and Geneva. Work on the label Superior Quality and answer questionnaires!

Best/Worst thing about your job?

Best - working with my friends and travelling the world.

Worst - Sorting out guest lists.

Do people ever mistake you for one of the band?


What other bands would you like to work with?

Mover, Neil Diamond and The Corrs.

What's the most important quality you need to be a tour manager?

Patience and stamina.

Are the band really that lazy?!


Describe the following....

Yourself: The calming face of adversity

Your job: Hard enjoyable work

Eds: Lovely calm dad

Adam: Funny little geezer

Mark: Big heart and tidy flat

Scott: Goal hanging hip-hop merchant

Richard: Beetle driving, glasses wearing tinkler

What do you think about Bluetones fans?

They have exceptional taste - loud, proud and loyal.

Of all your 'interesting' hairstyles, which was your favourite?

My pink mohican when I was seventeen - pure class.

Favourite new band on Superior Quality Recordings?

The Rocking Horses

Best Bluetones' support band?

Super Furry Animals / Medal

Favourite Bluetones album?

The one you'll all waiting for that they're recording now. (Science and Nature)

Any advice for people thinking of a career in tour management?

Don't do it....